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#3 John Bennett Drive
PO Box 1426
Fort Madison, IA 52627
Toll Free:......800.458.6672
Email: [email protected]

Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention

The greatest environmental hazard to children is lead poisoning.  Lead poisoning is caused by deteriorated lead based paint in the form of chips or dust.  Household "dust" in older homes often contains lead from paint.  Young children get this "dust" on their hands then put their fingers into their mouth or the "dust" gets on their finger foods or toys.  Young children can also become lead poisoned by chewing on a surface that is painted with lead paint (window sills).  Due to the sweetness of the paint they may continue to chew on the surface.

Lead paint can be found in homes that were built before 1978.  In Iowa, 51% of our homes were built before 1960.  Home inspections provided under this program are done only on homes where a child poisoned at 20ug/dl or more resides.  A Certified Elevated Blood Lead Risk Assessor/Inspector will complete the inspection.

Lead poisoning is often present without symptoms.  It can only be determined with a blood test.  All children should be tested at 1-year of age, and annually thereafter if any risk factors are present.  This can be done at the doctor's office or at one of the Lee County Health Department's Immunizations Clinics.  Children who are lead poisoned often have learning disabilities resulting in difficulties in school.

All children entering Kindergarten in Iowa are required to have had at least one lead test performed.

If a parent/guardian is not present with minor at clinic a written consent giving permission for services must be provided to LCHD staff nurse. 

Immunixation & Lead Screening Permission Form for Minors


The State of Iowa has released the 2018 Lead Report Cards for the State and for individual counties.  For the complete report click here.

LCHD serves Lee, Davis, Des Moines, Jefferson, and Van Buren counties.  Reports for those individual counties are below.

     Lee                   Page 1     Page 2

     Davis                Page 1     Page 2

     Des Moines        Page 1     Page 2

     Jefferson           Page 1     Page 2

     Van Buren         Page 1     Page 2


Lead Base Paint Ordinance


Helpful Links:

Lead Poisoning: How to Protect Iowa Families

Contact Information:

Lead Poisoning Prevention Coordinator

#3 John Bennett Drive
PO Box 1426
Fort Madison, Iowa  52627

(319)372-5225 or (800)458-6672

[email protected]