Contact Us

#3 John Bennett Drive
PO Box 1426
Fort Madison, IA 52627
Toll Free:......800.458.6672
Email: [email protected]

Food and Lodging

Environmental Services is responsible for food and lodging in Lee, Henry, Des Moines, and Van Buren counties. Environmental staff conducts inspections and handles licensing for restaurants, taverns, grocery/convenience stores, hotels, farmer's markets, temporary events, mobile units, schools, and vending machines.  

Download Applications Here!

When mailing in an application please mail it to:
     PO Box 1426
     Fort Madison, IA 52627

For Iowa Legislation Updates click here.

Sandwich.pngAre You Ready for Temporary Season?

As the weather gets warmer, the season for temporary events will be in full swing. LCHD wants to make sure all seasonal food vendors who require a license get one prior to operating for the season to avoid penalties and closure. 

The fee for a temporary license is $50. Applications must be submitted with payment at least 3 business days before the event. A license is valid for 14 days in conjunction with a single event. Those granted a license will be subject to inspection from LCHD. 

You need a license if...

  • You sell cold or frozen items such as ice cream.
  • You sell cooked food such as hot dogs or hamburgers.
  • You sell unpackaged items like popcorn, bulk nuts, or beverages by the glass.
  • You sell unpackaged, exposed baked goods.
Iowa Department of Inspections, Appeals & Licensing - Temporary Food Service & License Guide

*For information on nonprofit exemptions review our exemption flowchart, or contact our office with questions.

Helpful Links and Forms

Guidance Documents

Employee Health Reporting Agreement (Form 1-b)

FDA Proper Cooking Temperaturer and Safety Tips

Food Service Establishment Requirements

Mobile Food/Pushcart Unity Operations Guide

Nonprofit Exemption Flowchart

Temporary Event Self Checklist



Search for inspection reports here

FDA 2017 Food Code

Cottage Foods Information

Administrative Rules
Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 481--30, "Food and Consumer Safety"
Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 481--31, "Food Establishment and Food Processing Plant Inspections"
Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 481--34, "Home Food Establishments"
Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 481--35, "Contractor Requirements"
Iowa Administrative Code Chapter 481--37, "Hotel and Motel Inspections"

Iowa Law
Iowa Code Chapter 137C, "Hotel Sanitation Code"
Iowa Code Chapter 137F, "Food Establishments and Food Processing Plants"

ServSafe Training Information


For more information on the ServSafe Trainings or to register contact ISU Extension & Outreach at (319)337-2145.  Or to visit the ServSafe website click here.