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#3 John Bennett Drive
PO Box 1426
Fort Madison, IA 52627
Toll Free:......800.458.6672
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Legislation Upates

2022 Food License Related Legislation

The 89th Iowa General Assembly passed new legislation (HF2431) during the 2022 session that affects food licesnsing rules in Iowa.  For more information click here.

Read more about the new legislation (HF2431) that creates the new HFPE license, and find additional resources (like templates, example of completed documents, and training information) for HFPE licensees.

Renewals can be submitted up to 90 days before the license expiration date.

Online applications and renewals are preferred, and are processed faster than paper applications.

Home Food Processing Establishment Licenses

HF2431 created a new home food processing establishment (HFPE) license.  This license replaces the home bakery license and adds the ability for license to make, package, and process additional food products.  New HFPE license applications are now being accepted.  Please visit the USA Food Safey Portal to apply online.

"Cottage" Food Changes

HF2431 also expands what foods can be prepared in the home and offered for sale directly from a producer to a consumer without a license or inspections.  Although there are some exceptions, beginning July 1, 2022, most foods that do not need to be kept cold or hot for safety may be sold directly to the consumer, provided they meet certain labeling requirements.  To view the latest available cottage food law information click here

          Is it a cottage food, or is a home food processing establishment license needed?