Contact Us

#3 John Bennett Drive
PO Box 1426
Fort Madison, IA 52627
Toll Free:......800.458.6672
Email: [email protected]

Requirements: Services at Temporary Events
(food stands and/or towns)


  • Ensure each stand has enought electricity to safely operate (lighting, mechanical refrigeration and hot holding)



  • Ice shall be obtained from an approved source.
  • Food that is not sealed in packaging shall not be stored in contact with water or ice.
  • Packaged food or canned and bottled beverages may be stored in ice bins that are continuously drained.
  • Ice that has been used for cooling or keeping food or beverage containers cold may not be reused in beverages provided to customers.
  • Beverage ice shall be stored in the bag in which it is purchased on in clean, properly constructed ice storage unites which are easily cleanable, and kept drained.
  • Ice shall be dispensed with scoops, tongs, or other utensils with a handle, not with hands or drink cups.


Water Supply and Storage

  • Water shall be provided from an approved source - city, county, bottled, and wells that have a satisfactory water test within the last year.  (well tests should be submitted with the license application and available for review on site).
  • Waste water shall be disposed of in an approved waste water disposal system sized, constructed, maintained and operated according to LAW.
  • Water storage units and hoses must be made from food grade material and used only for portable water.
  • Water suply systems shall be protected against blackflow or contamination.



  • An adequate number of approved toliet and hand washing facilities shall be provided at each event.